This single page represents a tiny fraction of the entire book, but shows where we are with the production. We have finished the insertion of all dialog and fx for the first book. There are about 96 pages or so like this now. The actual layout of both the text and the artwork are still rough and are mostly for basic content of the page. I'm keeping this thing alive by allowing for changes all the way to the end, however, I'm also anxious to see what a final page might look like. One of the challenges I have set up for myself is to create artwork that visually has a range of voices, yet has some coherent structure to it all. I won't treat every panel the same way, and in some case, I won't treat the subjects the same way within the same panel even. I love drawing, sketching, and painting, and I want to see if I can someway capture a little bit of all of that in the final artwork. I think I would get bored so quickly if every panel matched up exactly...although I do love that in other artist's work. But to be behind the scenes making my own project...it needs to stay fun for me. Especially since this entire series will likely take up the next few years of my life. Three books are planned and the next two might be bigger. We'll see. I hope you will join us on our journey as we create the first book.